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Poems / Equality

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pursuit of equality of economic planning can only lead to inequalities imposed from above, t. i. voluntarily for an area which should be taken for each individual person of the new hierarchical structure of frames.
Nowadays, the idea of ​​equality can only enter definitively crazy person\'s head.
to equality would be a strong basis for the justification necessary to make freedom. Have to fight rather than a strict equality, but a transient excessive inequality, as necessary, to each person would have the right to utilize their talents.
Although each of us nešķirtu public and financial status, the right to freedom we are equal.
Politicians do not realize how equality is hostile to freedom. Greece were free people, because there was slavery.
Equality exists only in the grave.
There can be no friendship between master and slave.
Equality - visnesatricināmākais love foundation.
equality, which we require only vispanesamākā degree of inequality.
Equality prevails among the dead.
idea of ​​equal rights also leads to the idea of ​​equality in the distribution of material goods.
Equality - complete nonsense, most of those who incited mankind. People who need equal, if it is not any good? People are born unequal, they differ in character, vitality, mental orientation, and no level playing field it can not be paid.
spirit of extreme equality leads to despotism.
principle of democracy is degrading not only the loss of the spirit of equality, but even if the equity is brought to its extreme, and everyone wants to be equivalent to that chosen for their Lord.
People are not equal. And they may not be equal! What would my love of Superman, if I say otherwise?

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