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Poems / Mock

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ridicule sometimes hiding behind the spirit of poverty.
[ Mock ]
What has become ridiculous, it can be dangerous.
[ Mock ]
almost always ridicule is nothing as clumsily disguised hatred.
[ Mock ]
woman who laughs at her husband, the more in love.
[ Mock ]
Izsmējējs always superficial creature.
[ Mock ]
Ridicule end at the start of understanding.
[ Mock ]
vices receives a strong shock when they are exhibited in the general ridicule. Condemnation of those going through easily, but not ridicule. Nobody wants to be funny.
[ Mock ]
of his fiercest enemy attacks the lowest so you can laugh: \'You do not like me! You however can not force me to take you to the same resources as you are to me! \'
[ Mock ]
Who mock the poor, it despises his Creator.
[ Mock ]
Ridicule - happy child contempt.
[ Mock ]
Ridicule is a pleasure that arises from the fact that we imagine that the thing we hate is something that we are despicable.
[ Mock ]
silent contempt - the best answer to scorn.
[ Mock ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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