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Poems / Praise

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waiver of praise is a desire to receive it twice.
[ Praise ]
desire to be worthy of praise addressed to us reinforce our virtues, but the praise addressed to the mind, courage or beauty, encourages increased them.
[ Praise ]
How to fool us just praised - we are so stupid he does not seem over.
[ Praise ]
Indeed unusually blessed is the man who managed to earn his envious praise.
[ Praise ]
Well-bred person can crave, crave, even eager, for the praise and respect from the other side, but directly in his face expressed his praise is unpleasant because of his modesty.
[ Praise ]
Praise valid wise, fool - harmful.
[ Praise ]
For those who desire for praise, are scarce merit.
[ Praise ]
Praise prey to what they are ravenous.
[ Praise ]
Each artist craves applause. Peer praise - most valuable of his remuneration.
[ Praise ]
Self-praise is degrading.
[ Praise ]
Praise only good if it is good to be commended.
[ Praise ]
Just as a man can raise himself, it is unable to self-praise. Even more, every attempt at self-praise, will cause it to fall around the eyes.
[ Praise ]
devoted to praise other people believe on the record so far as they regard themselves as able to do something similar. But all that is beyond their capabilities, at once caused the envy and skepticism.
[ Praise ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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