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Poems / Loneliness

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lonely can be only one who is self-contained.
A lonely man is always in bad company.
[75] The same input is gained wealth, others - Nirvana. It is known bhikku, a disciple of Buddha, his intrigue honor him fall in love with solitude.
[61] In the case of long road pedestrians not published among their peers to meet, then to himself, he finds his strength to tolerate the loneliness: a friendship neiznākt fool.
No one did not take a deeper message, and to discourage us, not fear, as well as on the death bed, when no longer afraid of getting value, we are not talking. Not your neighbor or favorite we do not say. Lonely in the world we come, we go alone.
Loneliness is strongest when it resists, and weaker - if it is simply not paying attention.
alone is only required to live in one, at the same time retreat hit gets a different society.
Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild beast, or the Lord God.
. . . left with no friends - following a lack of rūgtākā misfortune.
seek solitude in the big cities.
If the man in your life the way fail to attain a new acquaintance, then soon he gets lonely.
ability to be a lonely character, and thought a sign of strength, solitude is a thinker requires a community - the heart action.
lonely can only have it in stand alone.
Life goes: what is it with you, remain in solitude.
Loneliness - that\'s damn thing! It can ruin people.

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