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Poems for your greeting cards


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Poems / Words

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Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away.
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reckless izrāvušos name is just as difficult to catch and remove the stone.
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Good Name - Product wounded soul.
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truthful person will eventually come to the conclusion that he is constantly lying.
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words are the ones that bring the storm.
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word that comes from the heart, it enters the heart.
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us consider twice before once pasacīsi then pasacīsi twice as better.
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None of the words spoken are not doing as much good as a lot unsaid.
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the words neuzcelt wall.
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There are words that are spoken forever, there are others who have spoken so moment to challenge the indifference and would change their mind. Life along the words quietly take long: in fact there has been and will be - they are not the rotatable nothing, nothing can be done. Moment words can not pass quietly: they glow and yellow, and draws attention to himself, or speaks to you in return, or blame, and excites their obvious folly. As detailed, Untraceable tips of thorns they remain in the womb - atsvabinies either of them and find their hidden truths.
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generally a little knowledgeable people talk a lot, but those who know much, speak little.
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Eloquence creates a strong but temporary effect. People who allow themselves to be easily agitated and calm quickly.
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people too animal the ability to make speeches, but lower than that of its inappropriate use.
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Speak to people according to their understanding.
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Where many words, there can not do without sin, but his mouth restrained, is wise.
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