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Poems / Ambition

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highflier enjoys talking about himself no matter whether it be good or bad, unassuming man for himself does not speak at all.
slave is solely dependent on his master, the ambitious and all that it could help to stand out.
on your toes can not stand long. The parade route will not go Away. He who wants to shine, will remain in the shade. He who is selfish, not to become great. Self slavinātājs not become famous. Self cildinātājs will not be singled out.
suspicion of over-ambition and I have met are always together.
Ambition - that humans possess a strong feeling that, no matter how much we do not step, we never did not feel satus.
If you know who serves on sākotni people\'s judgments and interests, then you cease to crave for the recognition and praise.
[Napoleon I of the established Order of the Legion of Honour]. With these miserable streamers can lord it over people.
All women are greedy. But her ambition is constantly overcomes greed.
Every person is just ambition, as he lacks the mind.
ambition has made a happy one, this one has certainly been a fool.
human vanity is his major source of misfortune.
If we study well, there are two main drivers that force people to take action: lust and ambition, if you dive into the study and will remove all of the first which can be attributed to the second, the remainder only ambition.
Very rare, but more specifically - has never been in such a way that our ambition is not harmful to others.
Vanity is nothing but the untimely attempt to gain wide attention, before we have deserved it.
Vanity [ambition] is the desire to maintain and enhance all other affective, and therefore it is almost impossible to overcome. Because while the people of any lust in his power, he will inevitably seize it there and ambition. Cicero says: It is run by the same best most slavaskāre. Philosophers, even the books, which expresses contempt for fame, writes his name and so on. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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