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Poems / Religion

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In short, it\'s so important that someone sinks wooden Christ on the road in front of the way he is getting better?
would have been OK if the name of religion would not exist at all. Where and in what context it all come from? Creating from the true doctrine of happiness - that\'s a worthy goal would be all the effort.
Do not create any surprise that people who advocate such a warlike religion so rarely live by its precepts?
When I do something good, feel good. When I do something bad, I feel out of sorts. Here\'s my religion.
Fear of the blind force of capital. . . Who lives on every step of the proletarian and pin saimnieciņam likely to give rise and created a sudden, unexpected, accidental ruin, mortality, death, famine, becoming a beggar, for pauperu, as a prostitute - that is, it is the root of modern religion. . .
Dominant religion is never ascetic.
Religion is nothing more than shackles that invented that reason, to strengthen the political burden of oppression.
Fear thy God - fear itself. You yourself are the creator of its benefits and its cause of misfortune. Hell and paradise in your own soul.
religion differ from each other only by the scenery.
Religion - human weakness that often complements other weaknesses.
holy book appearance on earth is in no way contributed to the vice, crime and disaster loss.
Religion - being suppressed groan, heartless world\'s heart, it is - neapgarotas order spirit. Religion is the nation\'s opium.
Religion is a human self-awareness and a sense of the world that still has not found himself or has lost himself again.
religion, which is closest to each other, are also mutually visnaidīgākās.
cult servants always have invented the shackles of the different times of limited human mind, they turned his wings, to assert its flight towards greatness and freedom. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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