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Poems / Pain

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Pain is a warning signal. In an effort to avoid them, we paglābjamies of death.
[ Pain ]
If the pain is distressing, it is not long, but if they are long - not painful.
[ Pain ]
great pains not long, but long-term pain is not great.
[ Pain ]
Who does not feel pain, it does not believe in their existence.
[ Pain ]
does not feel pain, it does not believe in their existence.
[ Pain ]
endured pain even if they are made through the good.
[ Pain ]
Beat hurt on the outside, the inside of the word evil, which is why the last remediable pain is always difficult.
[ Pain ]
Death - a constant value, but the pain - variable to be ABLE to grow indefinitely. . . . . Ways of many people Even more advanced pain by Means of less than death.
[ Pain ]
Similarly, the enemy further heat up, saw us fleeing, as well as pain, noticing that we allow ourselves to them, it becomes even tougher. But they pierimst when experiencing retaliation. They resisted, they contend.
[ Pain ]
against every pain is a means - patience.
[ Pain ]
order to save the people, it is permissible for him to be hurt.
[ Pain ]
great pain ever walk alone, and all of them empty street.
[ Pain ]
death from all types of visnegantākais are: pain. They killed the slowest and most severe, and visvientulīgāk.
[ Pain ]
When you want to know what is pain - looking to leave his fortune. And you will find it easier to leave your life. They are in pain.
[ Pain ]
property which no one can take away the pain. Or, this property is so desirable?
[ Pain ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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