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Poems / Criticism

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Where is the love of art, there is also criticism.
from each artisan requires him to know his position, - the critic asks for it. From each judge requires him to investigate the matter punishable indeed - the critic asks for it. The critic merely requires him to punishment, but strong.
bar evil people, so he made this plea for good. Why do you nepamāci him better, and do it? Art can not be taught any of Barsana, shoes, sew and not eat cooked well, not - or have a good nau more art? And now you ask that each of their skills to yourself.
no right to criticize the miners.
man does himself the honor of avoiding the bāršanās, those who constantly yards, still naive fools.
Critique - tax, a remarkable man pays to the public.
As the drug does not benefit if the dose is too high, the size does not fit anywhere in the condemnation and criticism, if he breaches the limits of justice.
criticism is fruitful only when it refers both to condemn what should be and what is not good. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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