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Poems / Evil

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At the moment when the evil cease to exist, the company started decline.
[ Evil ]
from person to pass, that defile the man. For from within, from the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, hatred, envy, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within and defile a man.
[ Evil ]
Strange! Man is unhappy with the evil that comes from the outside, comes from others, despairing of what is in his power to prevent, but do not struggle with their own evils prevention is the best.
[ Evil ]
I do not know, something better - the evil that brings good, or good, which brings evil.
[ Evil ]
old and well-known evil is always preferable to a new and unknown.
[ Evil ]
Poor people are willing to look for them anywhere, just not where it really is.
[ Evil ]
Evil always brings up an even greater evil.
[ Evil ]
Of two evils choose the least.
[ Evil ]
Do not resist evil and love the evil man does not love them?
[ Evil ]
What is evil? - All results from weakness.
[ Evil ]
people learn to see more evil than a good example, and general well have to learn to take advantage of the evil, because it is so mundane, but good - so rare.
[ Evil ]
Evil to you not win, but win the most evil with good!
[ Evil ]
The greatest evil - the passion domination, when the soul becomes a savage lust of.
[ Evil ]
no evil without good.
[ Evil ]
means to fight against evil turns out worse than the evil itself.
[ Evil ]

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