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Poems / Book

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He wrote eight volumes. Undoubtedly would have been better if he had planted eight trees have life or eight children.
[ Book ]
Our books on mathematics and physics is heavily damaged the scriptures. We have replaced the exciting wonders of natural phenomena.
[ Book ]
Nature has wisely taken care to human stupidity would be temporary, but it captures the book. Fool would have to be content with the fact that he is tired of all his contemporaries, but he still wants to bother to future generations want to posterity to know that he has lived in the world, and to never forget that he was a fool.
[ Book ]
favorite of the books I have no friend in the world.
[ Book ]
from all that is written, so I love what someone wrote his own blood. Write with blood, and you will see that blood is spirit.
[ Book ]
not easy to find books that have taught us as much as it is that we have written ourselves.
[ Book ]
even when the end comes - back in the day that I will not see, will open my book and I will be their readers. I write them, for their sake I must set out his basic ideas. Currently I can not fight - I do not even have an opponent.
[ Book ]
is the best book for readers who think they could have them write their own.
[ Book ]
Books - the best companion of age, but at the same time, the best teachers of his youth.
[ Book ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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