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Poems / Fear

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Fear is special in that it exaggerates the importance of the fact.
[ Fear ]
man is a man to be so, for how he overcomes the fear.
[ Fear ]
If you want to live without fear, do not do evil.
[ Fear ]
Hamlet\'s father\'s ghost rise up in front of the hair standing up for all, regardless of whether they piesedz ticošas or neticošas brain.
[ Fear ]
In less fear, the less danger.
[ Fear ]
Fear is the soul anxiety produced by thoughts of evil in the future, which may affect you.
[ Fear ]
Fear of death leads people to such an extent that they feel an aversion to the light of day in the life and soul and sorrow they deprive themselves life, forgetting that the whole cause was just the fear of death.
[ Fear ]
Our fear - the cause of our enemy\'s courage.
[ Fear ]
And do not be afraid of those who kill body and soul can not kill, but more afraid of that body and soul can destroy hell.
[ Fear ]
What makes tyrants so bloodthirsty? Fear for their safety, but their cowardly hearts can not find any other means than the destruction of all people, who would place them at risk, even women - all of which could harm them even a little.
[ Fear ]
Those who are born are fearful, not only no great things, but also sowing insecurity in their comrade.
[ Fear ]
fled, lost more soldiers than fighting.
[ Fear ]
There are people who break a leg, jumped over a ditch, drowning, before gone into the water. Do not be afraid!
[ Fear ]
Fear - the basis of religion, fear in front of the mysterious, fear of failure, fear of death. But the fact that fear is based on cruelty, it\'s no wonder that cruelty and religion have gone hand in hand.
[ Fear ]

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