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Poems / Happiness

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Happiness is the satisfaction of our desires.
Happiness is a being endowed with the mind state of the world, with her whole existence everything is going after her wish and will.
happiness, that happiness Nava world.
One of the safer ways to become happy - maintain dignity against himself, to be able to look back on their lives without shame and remorse, seeing action in the past, not bad, not evil suffered, or any other offense which would be liquidated.
To be happy, we need merely to be with those we love: to dream, to converse with them in silence, thinking about them, thinking no matter what - just nešķirties, the rest are indifferent.
Happiness is becoming more of it, if the shares it with others.
able to enhance their lives are happy.
general happiness comes to a happy but bad luck - at unfortunate.
We have never been so happy or unhappy, as to us it seems.
Happiness is a feeling, rather than cases. Happiness is a gain what he loves, not what the lovable recognized by others.
we spend much less effort to become more happy than having to create the impression that we are happy.
Our happiness is not and can not be in full satisfaction, when nothing can be more want to promote only the flattening of our mind. Endless quest for new pleasures and new fulfillment - this is happiness.
Happiness is inherently the most intense pleasure, what we are capable of, but unhappiness - the greatest suffering.
Happy people feel even its short life the longest, but unfortunate - alone at night lasts forever.
the happiness people more stupid than the top in distress.

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