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Poems / Man

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It is worth to be a decent human being. At least none of you neapskaudīs.
[ Man ]
There is a need for people to understand that he is - is the creator of the world and the landlord that he is responsible for all the misfortunes of the land, and that the glory due to him for all the good things achieved in life.
[ Man ]
It is decorated in a man: ever aspire to it, as he does not.
[ Man ]
each of us there are two people, the second condemns what does the first.
[ Man ]
Being a man - is to understand their responsibilities. Feel the lack of shame in front, who, as it may seem, is not at all depend on you. Be proud of every member of your victory. Be aware that iemūrējot your brick, you help build the world.
[ Man ]
Each of us is one which it is created by God, the Lord, but often even worse.
[ Man ]
Beastly start itself, so I still existed as a man!
[ Man ]
man comes to earth with fists clenched hands as if to say: the whole world is mine, but leave them open arms as if to say: raugāt, I myself am not taking anything away.
[ Man ]
Man - the only animal that can blush and who has reason to.
[ Man ]
man - religious creature, the only animal that loves his neighbor as himself, and transcode the throat, if we have disagreements with their theological matters.
[ Man ]
man capable enough to induce love, but doing everything to provoke envy.
[ Man ]
Some argue that there is no difference between man and the donkey. It\'s not fair for the donkey.
[ Man ]
God created man because he was disappointed in monkeys. He then withdrew from further experiments.
[ Man ]
Manmade last day of creation when God was already tired.
[ Man ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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