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Poems / Woman

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woman - the easiest being that we have created embellish an idea.
[ Woman ]
When a woman loves boorish, then it certainly is unrecognized genius, a great soul and so on. Because of their inherent propensities squinting because they can not see true when it come together, nor the beautiful wherever it is. Their common disease - wait for the apple oranges.
[ Woman ]
Women usually determined by the nature of the facial beauty or ugliness.
[ Woman ]
Women - the human race first teachers.
[ Woman ]
Who has not seen a woman in love, it can not tell who is a woman.
[ Woman ]
woman sometimes even my husband can fall in love.
[ Woman ]
There are two ways to rule a women, but none of them knows.
[ Woman ]
A woman should be like a good horror film, the more it encourages the imagination, the better.
[ Woman ]
Men pay attention to what they think about, but for women it is more important to be talking about them.
[ Woman ]
man is nothing intrusive and called him a fool, a woman - to say that she is ugly.
[ Woman ]
The less a woman to give to her husband, the more it requires of him, therefore, the less worthy of a woman, the more she paid.
[ Woman ]
woman to discuss her husband with another man, more or less put myself in his hands.
[ Woman ]
Women argue that men are volatile, and men trying to prove that women are flighty.
[ Woman ]
woman, which all considered to be cool, just have not met people who have awakened in him the love.
[ Woman ]
When a woman ceases to love a man, she forgets everything, even caresses, which he proposed lifting.
[ Woman ]

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