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Poems / Researcher

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teach people on earth - the same as the stars
the sky. The mind and knowledge - life\'s heart and eye
brightness: that gives life to the mind and knowledge, it dies.
true scientist - a dreamer. He who is not,
Claiming to be a practitioner.
scientist - a man who knows enough to give
aware of what he knows.
not worthy to become a scientist is to think about
prosperous and peaceful life.
scientists have not right to afford yourself bad habits
degenerate and let his nature, he has avoided
society, putting aside disputes should not be nitpicking
and prevent your eyes from the truth depths should recognize
pig from a credible, real from fake and ever
be kept clear of mind.
scientist - a man who almost anything is
Not once has already been noted that those who engaged in
physics, natural description, physiology or chemistry usually
stand out in a calm, balanced, and often with
joyful nature, while at the same time as the policy
jurisprudence and morality even a book dedicated to the authors - is
morose people with a propensity to indulge in melancholy and so on. It
is easily explained: the first looks great creator
generated, the second looks into people\'s hands created. Effects can not
be different.
scientist without works like cloud, which do not land
damp. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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