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Poems / Science

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Anthropology is a human interpretation, in general
is already known, what is man, and so it is not able to
answer the question that he [the substance] is.
[ Science ]
all humanitarian sciences and all the life sciences,
to remain in science, is certainly to be inaccurate.
[ Science ]
The science of people - smart science.
[ Science ]
Embracing the diversity of cosmic phenomena thought unit, net
rational form in the mind of coverages, I
view is not possible with our current empirical knowledge
condition. The experience-based knowledge is never
comprehensive, feelings reflected in an abundance of observations
is finite, no generation of its merits can not
announce that it has now gone phenomena.
[ Science ]
True science is godless.
[ Science ]
Each natural science has just enough truth in the
it is mathematics.
[ Science ]
those who are too narrow-minded to understand astronomy
science, or too cowardly to prejudice your
Copernicus believed in piety, I can only give advice
abandon astronomical studies. . . . He can give up
our ideas about movement in space, to return
at home and cultivate their vegetable gardens.
[ Science ]
With the help of science without violence, with love, but
relentlessly, is resolved fallacy, falsehood and false
views, but is met: the resulting truth
maintenance, further development of freedom of general benefit
and internal well-being.
[ Science ]
the same fear, the ancient and original that will eventually be
become more refined and spiritual, now, as it seems to me
is called science.
[ Science ]
Science cult, the best sense of the word, it is possible
even more necessary to the nation\'s moral
development than economic prosperity. Science brings
[Public] intellectual and moral level of science
contributes to the spread of ideas and a great triumph.
[ Science ]
science is the same as the air in a living being.
[ Science ]
Astronomy grew out of superstition, the rhetoric - of ambition,
hate, flattery, lies, geometry - from mantkāres; physics
- The empty curiosity, all the sciences originate, even
morality, ambition finds its home.
[ Science ]
Science - organized knowledge.
[ Science ]
science mission - to serve people.
[ Science ]
humans and, possibly, people are jāatmostas surprising.
Other hand, science is a tool to do again in sleep.
[ Science ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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