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Poems / Power

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State power is always strengthened when broken
social interactions.
[ Power ]
waiver authority does not mean that it is necessary
abandon the rational human life
[ Power ]
I renounce the struggle for power, which would provide
can impose his understanding.
[ Power ]
Each copper - from God, now what - I agree, but each
disease - from him, or it means that the contact
to the doctor?
[ Power ]
Legislative power - the heart, the executive - the
[ Power ]
unjust power is not permanent.
[ Power ]
Copper nemaitā. Maite fear - fear of losing power.
[ Power ]
copper - the same temptation to the monarch that he or
women younger people as a bribe - the judge, the money -
vecim ambition and the opportunity to meet the woman.
[ Power ]
One man\'s power over other people\'s mainly
condemns what uzkundzējies.
[ Power ]
When power is a disagreement with a conscience, it becomes dangerous.
[ Power ]
Love and hunger rules the world.
[ Power ]
Copper nemaitā people, but a fool caught up in peak power
I bitch.
[ Power ]
One power is often much nonsense effect.
[ Power ]
school teachers have the power of a prime
can only dream of.
[ Power ]
It is necessary to either do not approach the world
powerful, either talk to them just what they are fragrant.
[ Power ]

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