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Poems / Power

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Copper stamped seal the words of truth.
[ Power ]
Everyone in power has a tendency to
[ Power ]
. . . everyone aspires to be the beginning of the second after the first, then
similar to the first, at last takes precedence over it and be the first.
[ Power ]
power goal - power.
[ Power ]
Equally dangerous is to insane sword and dishonest
[ Power ]
Croesus, what power is strongest [Pitaks
replied:] \"It\'s a spin in a tree\", it\'s the law.
[ Power ]
people found copper.
[ Power ]
hard to find people who would not be corrupted nature
[ Power ]
political power and the corresponding types of controls are the same
The main society. Should not be allowed to
economic power dominate political power.
[ Power ]
deification of power - one of the worse idolatry
forms of slavery and the rudiments of the exposure time.
[ Power ]
never existed unchecked political power and as long as
people remain people, can not be absolute and
unlimited political power.
[ Power ]
also any power, physical and mechanical, so far, has been
pārveikta of the spirit, thought and money that once would have otherwise.
If it were, then there would be no culture and no progress.
Then there would be no point in living.
[ Power ]
strong, there\'s a weak spirit. Without some measure the spirit
power can not exist. When the top of his strongest, his
degradation. It is her tragedy, and it is the spirit of hope.
[ Power ]
Copper and truth do not match. It is a bitter lesson.
[ Power ]
Any dictator\'s power is based on grass-roots social
[ Power ]

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