ministers fall as sandwiches - usually face down. BR>
Democracy is a bad government, but instead there is only so BR>
a short time. BR>
After all unmet villains are as much as BR>
meet the villains. The opposition is better than the government. BR>
That government is best which makes itself superfluous. BR>
The government is not more important task than to maintain BR>
high moral criteria for people who are doing the country BR>
things. BR>
task of the government - to overcome the difficulties before they are BR>
become insurmountable. BR>
opposition - a safety valve through which the nation erupts BR>
power and energy are abundant, the valve that should not be BR>
conclude without exposing themselves to danger of explosion. BR>
Good government is not the one who wants to make people BR>
happy, but it, who knows how to do it. BR>
Any government - a conspiracy against the ordinary people. BR>
Every nation has the government as it deserves. BR>
government, even the best, is a necessary evil, if it BR>
is the worst of evils, it is unbearable BR>
evil. . . . The government, like clothing, is lost BR>
a symbol of innocence. . . . BR>
Every Government threatens three things: the inconsistency of tyranny BR>
and envy. BR>
Minister is dangerous folly to say than do. BR>
are times when the government loses confidence of the people, but I do not know BR>
those times when it would have been able to trust the government. BR>
Army depends on the people, there will sooner or later BR>
it turns out that the government is dependent on the army. BR>
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