people being able to endow the right to force imbued BR>
power of the law. BR>
If those in power do not protect social institutes BR>
which provides peaceful minority to make changes, then BR>
this government is called tyranny. BR>
Democratic machine fools have the right to vote BR>
dictatorship of the event - to reign. BR>
terms \"slavery\" and \"right\" in the mutual BR>
opposed. The following statements: \"I close with You a BR>
agreement on the fact that it fully apply only to You a BR>
and will be fully on my behalf, an agreement that I BR>
observe, as long as I do it\'ll be on your mind, and that you BR>
will notice, as long as I am well pleased. \"- There will always be absurd BR>
regardless of whether the figures for the two-man BR>
each other, and man and human relations. BR>
Most of the fittest has never been so strong, to always stay BR>
in total control if they constitute its strength for BR>
law, and obedience to him - as an obligation. It is BR>
stronger rights, they are named on the right BR>
ironic sense, but in fact they are made of BR>
principle. BR>
The essence lies in the two moral interest - BR>
personal freedom and public good - in balance. BR>
rights of the majority - are stronger and they do not have the right BR>
moral reasoning. BR>
fairness, mutual respect and trust feelings BR>
based on the recognition of equal rights, expire BR>
civil wars, each side sees the other as br>
criminals and appropriating the right to be tried. BR>
When talking about human rights, everyone think of my own. BR>
are smarter right, but not the strongest. BR>
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