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Poems / Faith

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mind about yourself must believe, but the will -
elections, and if they can not find the faith and desire
worthy objects, they seek unworthy.
[ Faith ]
With an ease and complacency do evil man
when he believes that the good work!
[ Faith ]
almost all people believe rather than what is demonstrated
but it is appropriate to their needs.
[ Faith ]
Faith is the soul of medicine, which plagues society
[ Faith ]
the past, people believed that God rules the world. This
belief in limiting their liability. The new faith, according to
which they govern themselves, under the responsibility
burden that all is not tolerated.
[ Faith ]
\"The just shall live by faith.\"
[ Faith ]
. . . Faith is a strong Reliance on What is Hopefully
Belief in the invisible things. . . . . . . . Faith without
not [God] likes. That for he cometh to God
That must believe he is, and Who Seek That thos in, he
[ Faith ]
I do not believe in miracles and I have never believed them. It is
faith in the female, the male is called: the development, it is my
[ Faith ]
It is my belief that man is already here on earth, can
to become holy, only here.
[ Faith ]
faith it is impossible to establish the knowledge, as does a new time
naturalists. It created only a hope and will. So
as she to do with science, that can not be off to talk
logic. Will that do, we might be without content.
[ Faith ]
our times, faith can no longer be establishing themselves on the habits and
traditions - as quite all existing faith - she
minded man is dead and nedomājošam top spiritual
coercion and other - the ruling classes - hands on their gun
kalpināt. Faith may be establishing themselves in the demand for
incomprehensible, - the soul itself does well in captivity and want
nebrīvību this because do not know what to do with freedom, or fear
from her, so that freedom obliges itself to developing
a new way. But in our times is the highest requirement
soul freedom and development and all existing
conversion to the beauty of life and soul of tasks. - Do
have faith that meet those higher requirements?
[ Faith ]
How easy and convenient to be Christians to accept the full what
is being said and to whom to believe. What words does not, then work hard
with doubt and search. And yet recognized as commendable
slothful and diligent about objectionable.
[ Faith ]
fact that faith leaves a good impression on the man
morally, in any way suggest that the last truth.
[ Faith ]
faith without works is not: it is the mayor.
[ Faith ]
Faith is the sixth sense which God gives in his own way or
[ Faith ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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