ambition and curiosity is the driving force behind two of our souls. BR>
Latter forces us to put their nose everywhere, but the first does not BR>
anything left open and undetermined. BR>
inducements and skubinājumiem is some kind of power only BR>
for the young and noble morals can BR>
inspire only a noble character, who really loves BR>
beautiful. BR>
A good horse will be more food, poor - more whips BR>
cut. BR>
horse with oats Barossa - will not whip. BR>
those available incentives to noble action of BR>
never will not. BR>
ambition, avarice, selfishness, vanity, friendship, BR>
generosity and patriotism - these human feelings in different BR>
levels and different sectors of society of the time have been BR>
and continues to be the root of all actions and activities that have BR>
as people pursue their tribe. BR>
glaudījiens ķērīgāks is sharper than that of slap. BR>
seldom allow it an error if an outstanding action to explain BR>
ambition, a routine - a habit vile - fear. BR>
fear and hope - these are two tools with which BR>
help rule over the people, instead of having to apply BR>
these tools without distinction, they have to be applied BR>
according to their nature. Fear neuzbudina, but prevents it BR>
Applying the laws of the penalty does not serve to BR>
encourage to do good, but to prevent the doing of evil. BR>
Not noticeable, too, that the fear of lack to do any of the BR>
lazy diligent. That is why, to cause the BR>
human race at work, they have to show that work BR>
not a means to escape the famine, but the way to achieve BR>
prosperity. BR>
Napoleonic soldiers fighting from morning till night, and marching on BR>
evening to morning through unimaginable hiking, br>
uzrodoties the most unexpected places - not all, because BR>
every one of them in your backpack carry Marshal wand, but BR>
and all, because every one of them tomorrow in the hopes of delivering at least BR>
half a dozen silver spoon. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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