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Poems / Envy

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Whenever I heard someone dedicated
praise, they me angry secretly. I am
envious. When I as a private life I hear anything
such that their shame, I listen with pleasure. This brings us
approximate. This makes it easier for me to tolerate your own
[ Envy ]
own mind is not happy, then foreign to happiness hurts.
[ Envy ]
Envy - permanent brain need to be hard
dziedējama the culture and philosophy.
[ Envy ]
sublimity of nature - the ability to watch without envy, and
others are made, after which you yourself tried.
[ Envy ]
Envy - lucky enemy.
[ Envy ]
No one is worthy of envy: good people deserve
envy, but the bad is because they are happier because
the more they harm themselves.
[ Envy ]
just does not defame them as not worthy of envy.
[ Envy ]
envious die once, but every time you hear your
rival dedicated to the praise.
[ Envy ]
better to try to emulate than envy.
[ Envy ]
only son of his father neskauž talent.
[ Envy ]
affront to the living, envy the dead honors.
[ Envy ]
Only it can itself be considered free from envy, which
never been poking around myself.
[ Envy ]
Among all the great passions of envy is the most disgusting. Under
its flag MARS hatred, betrayal and intrigue.
[ Envy ]
Only he who has never studied the self, it can be considered
that he does not envy.
[ Envy ]
better for me to envy, than serving as a compassionate
[ Envy ]

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