While every soul touched mine, even easy, to get BR>
something good for yourself: even a very small lick of joy, something BR>
one good idea in the past been acquainted with your inspiration, something of particles BR>
courage during the dark sky; flash of faith, BR>
biezējošām to resist evil shadows, a single solar BR>
beam in order to dispel the fog and make life more beautiful. BR>
to be a pleasant conversation, adapted to the negotiations members BR>
nature and mind. Neuzdodies of other words and BR>
censor speech, otherwise you will start to believe the pedant, BR>
further, nepiekasies other\'s thoughts and judgments, otherwise BR>
can begin to shy away from You, or even stop to You a BR>
pazīties. Reasonableness of the conversation is always more important than BR>
eloquence. BR>
Everyone hears only what he is able to understand. BR>
People familiar with the dispute and on the move. BR>
deal with people hiding in there to leave BR>
themselves, nenostumtu other side, people adapt BR>
beliefs and desires, become artful, easy, free BR>
tension of any perceived public mood BR>
without sacrificing their very nature, characteristics and nepazemojoties. BR>
cheeky, others do not do some of your closest BR>
weaknesses to highlight itself, does not reveal his false BR>
behavior or deception, to the expense of their paspīdētu BR>
superiority. BR>
Neatvadies no one telling him to be instructive or BR>
pleasant. BR>
He who keeps a wide social circle, similar to BR>
chandlers, removal of solid, but small profits. BR>
bothersome is the only loon: a wise man once BR>
cover whether his company is pleasant, or bored, and BR>
go for a moment before it becomes clear that he is - BR>
redundant. BR>
If you want to be smart, learn reasonably ask, gently BR>
listen quietly to respond and stop, when you\'ve got more BR>
nothing to say. BR>
Most people are looking for companies not to do BR>
listen to, but because to talk. BR>
. . . my advice is essentially as follows: apejies with a low-ranking BR>
people the way you want to turn higher a man BR>
was treated with you. BR>
located in the community is simply boring. But to be BR>
outside the company - already a tragedy. BR>
Those who dressed in dirty clothes notriepj those with br>
touches, those with dirty minds and unclean or angry BR>
language, corrupts the soul for those with speech or by the proximity BR>
lives. BR>
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