two-three has company. One will of God, the second - BR>
devil. One preached from the pulpit, the other - hang below BR>
ledger. BR>
People are born for each other. Therefore, either admonished, or BR>
tolerated! BR>
live in public space to live in the light of BR>
\"Other.\" BR>
Public opinion - Whore. BR>
. . . I ended up in a poor society. In human life it is BR>
on two occasions - when he is finally beige and when he is BR>
rich. BR>
People will always need people. BR>
Some writers have so confused the public and government BR>
concepts, among them all has not gone any BR>
difference, but they are not just different things, but things BR>
with different backgrounds. Society created by our needs, but BR>
Government - our vices, the first positive, bringing our BR>
sublime efforts, promotes our happiness, but the second, curbing BR>
our vices, acting negatively, one promotes BR>
closer together, the other friction. The first - a defender BR>
Second - judge. BR>
Company for their existence is due to human BR>
A non-exhaustive nature of the individual and for what it is BR>
incomplete - to the public. BR>
In reporting this review. What gives, it puts a BR>
culprit. What is released, it lashed itself. What gives, it takes away. BR>
What kind-hearted, it leads to hang. It is the old order. Her BR>
faith is Christian, her high degree of militarism. BR>
Do! the new movement that wants to learn from her and BR>
fight in her arms. BR>
Need to find a public relationships, BR>
the overall strength of the protection and safeguarding every BR>
members of the public personality and property, every BR>
asociējoties with other subject only to himself, remaining BR>
as free as before. BR>
the absence thereof, in which all interests intersect, then BR>
should not be in a speech on the public. BR>
company - from the stone arch built to fall apart if BR>
they are not held each other. BR>
specific levels of social development and BR>
stability could be due to simple BR>
criterion, namely, how the company takes care of the children, br>
elderly and the sick. BR>
the Company is unable to feel, only individuals can be BR>
happy or unhappy. BR>
Virtue and vice, good and evil - all countries are BR>
determined by whether a phenomenon is valid or harmful BR>
the public. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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