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Poems / Revolution

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We were upset about the extremes to come up with the Revolution,
but, as is more sharply expressed in these extremes, the more we
realize that a revolution was necessary.
Revolution - historic locomotives.
revolution is awakening conscience. We call
conscience of the whole historical epoch
public-ethical requirements. When a nation and a
time, many just starting to follow their conscience, already rising
revolution, when all people in all nations begin to live
Conscience, then come the greatest revolution - new
era in human history: the human, the former
barbaric era.
between evolution and revolution nau difference of properties
but only after a fever. Revolution is evolution sastrēgušas
or the rapid development unfolds. When the ruling class is
narrow-minded, then loosens the need for the body
stopping the movement.
Revolution never eased the burden of tyranny -
only shift the country to the other\'s shoulders.
When intellectuals are starving, they switch instead of the potato growing, but the revolution of the organization.
Revolution - barbaric way of progress.
often prepares pre-revolution freedom, but
it has never been a revolution in the consequences. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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