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Poems / Progress

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steps forward, nine hundred and ninety-eight
back - that\'s what is in progress.
progress is based on the body\'s inborn live
need to live more than his means allow.
At the time of modern progress is the growing wealth
becomes only the huge estates, luxury
manifestations and is exacerbated by rivalries between the Property and
Lack of progress is unrealistic and unstable.
All progress, which we hope - is to make
people less evil.
Progress - this is the best, but not limited to the new.
Contemporary technique, founded on the exact sciences, and the exact sciences themselves (over time) were taken from facilitating the progress of late. With their help suppresses human relations fair settlement. But it is the only real progress, since the settlement of relations with all. Inhibition occurs so that part of the public receives science into their own hands given I can.
Progress - is no accident but a necessity.
Progress in the form of an increasing sense of domination
dominant animal in the world martial law.
Progress is Utopia a reality.
order to allow the slightest progress, it requires
long years of maturation.
progress has always objected to the form of indictment
And yet there is progress: instead of military violence -
violence, without war.
part is ready to sacrifice happiness
progress, at the same time contain their own happiness Progress
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