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Poems / Pleasure

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God was pleased to gratify the poor: from the beginning hid
his ass, then helped found.
soul more pleased again to find
beloved things than self their presence?
Out of the world the joy with which to replace deprive
the joy that never get tired of.
What displeased about that small, it also be great
For a man to gain a little bit of joy to him in measured short
track of time, he must think and plan how to improve or
only himself, but also other state, because the joy of experiencing
he is depends on how much he enjoys
on the other, and, on the other happy for him.
priecīgums Spirit is a sign of strength.
joy is more complete than knowledge, because not every cognitive
rejoice in the process, but everyone who enjoys mandatory
while also exploring.
Wolf dying sheep jumping for joy.
Learn to find joy in life - that\'s the best way
attract happiness.
Who needs a little life in the light-hearted.
when you do good to note that when a good job, you do not
deserve the same joy to a man.
One of the apparent and the pure pleasures of rest after
As much as possible, show a happy facial expression! Not
more attractive and more loving than the cheerful mood of
results from purity, bezgrēcības source, not from the heart of
a passion raging storm.
too rarely take the opportunity to provide his neighbor
joy. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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