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Poems / Pleasure

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Francis and his brother Leo went on to Peruza
Porcionklio; was so cold that they were freezing, trembling,
Francis called to Brother Leo Walk forward and said,
him: \"Oh, Brother Leo, that God may give, that our brothers
serve as an example of holy life everywhere on earth, but
records, it is insufficient to joy may be full. \"
When sales were still the road a piece, Francis again
cried his brother Leo. \"And another record, Brother Leo, if our
brothers heal the sick, are erased long outworn, will blind
sight or resurrect the dead for four days,
records - then the pleasure is not yet complete. \"When was the
sales still a piece of the road, Leo Francis said: \"Records
yet, Brother Leo, that even if our brothers know all
languages, all sciences and all posts, where they not only
able to predict the future, but also be able to look at all
conscience and soul secrets - records that even this
does not do a complete joy. \"After some time, Francis again
Leo cried and said, \"And his brother Leo, Lamb of God,
records, as well, even if we learn the language of angels,
if we open star decided, and all the jewels,
hides the land, and all the birds, fish, whole animal,
people, trees, rock and water secrets - records, then
it will not do a complete joy. \"Gone a little more
Francis called to Brother Leo and told him: \"Records
yet - even if we have any preachers who draw
all the Gentiles to faith in Christ - note that it
would not do a complete joy. \"Then asked her brother Leo
Francis: \"So what, brother, Francisco, doing fun
complete? \"And Francis answered:\" Here\'s what. What if
, where we caught up Porcionklio dirty
salijuši, stiff from the cold and hungry, asking
let us, usher us will say, \"What do you vagrants
can vazāties around the world and the people musinādami diedelēdami
alms from the poor people? Vācieties away from
here \"- and we will not open the gates. And even if we
neapvainosimies and humility, love-filled, nodomāsim
the gate guard is true that God himself has led him
it with us izrīkoties, and no aversion to the goalie
rain and wind, snow and water, starved forward to welcoming morning,
then, Brother Leo, only joy will be complete. \"
purest joy - gloat, we feel,
observing it, we are enviable, accident.
wish fulfillment often brings with it frustration, because
just looking forward to the pleasure.
aging angry, laughing - getting younger. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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