Nepriecājies when your enemy falls, and let thy heart BR>
Who would not shout about his affliction, the Lord could BR>
see, and it might well not like him, and he would BR>
prevent his anger from him. BR>
And so I created a view that nothing human is better BR>
as he pleased, being involved in their activities BR>
He who does good to others, even greater benefits to make yourself BR>
not in the sense that he is entitled for the prize, but BR>
the fact that the same consciousness that arises to make a good job BR>
result for yourself gives great pleasure. BR>
. . . without which nothing is more pleasant - a sense of security. BR>
first thing you need to do. . . : Learn to enjoy. BR>
. . . joy essential feature is that it is a never-ending and BR>
do not turn your contrast. BR>
now explain to you how you can realize that you are not yet BR>
wise. The wise are joyful, bright, calm, BR>
imperturbable, he lives at the same level with the gods. And BR>
Now think about yourself: if you\'ve never grieved, if any BR>
hope your soul in distress waiting for the future, if your BR>
lively and self-satisfied soul and mood of the day BR>
remain the same night the same, then you have reached BR>
the highest human good. BR>
This, by the way has tried, as it will give you pleasure and enjoyment of BR>
source of suffering. All, I say strive for joy, but where BR>
finding a permanent, great joy, that they do not know, one of BR>
wants to feast or luxury, the other - his ambition BR>
and customer satisfaction crowd, another - the favorite, even BR>
another - from an empty boast a liberal sciences BR>
writing that nothing neizdziedina. These all fail BR>
misleading and transient pleasures of one hour BR>
joyous insanity to pay with long hideous. . . . BR>
peak is reached it, who knows what fun is worth it. BR>
Youth aiztrauc permanently. Then Let\'s surrender to joy - BR>
mortals are those who give pleasure! BR>
Everywhere there is the pleasure of opening the world without hatred BR>
and prejudices. BR>
The more pleasure we take over, because we are at a greater perfection BR>
come and so the more we thus have BR>
belong to the divine nature, and pleasure commensurate with br>
We really useful, can not be bad. BR>
joy of the human transition from lower to higher perfection. BR>
Egoistic and patmīļi grows directly from the people who BR>
childhood lived without care, from people who have been BR>
only for consumers. BR>
Joy - the only criterion of truth. This is what we BR>
know when, touched the Truth, we hear from them BR>
smooth music and feel the joyful greeting, it BR>
sends to the truth contained within us. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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