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Poems / Policy

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Political art - it\'s the Ability to do so, for Each
It pays to be virtuous.
[ Policy ]
I\'m not creating policy, because I could not wish for the
opponent\'s death, it also put up with him.
[ Policy ]
policy can not take the step before it has not given
his oath of morality, since a policy of self - hard
art, but its union with morality is artificial, because
Morality cuts the knot the knot, the policy has failed
loosen, so long as the atmosphere of misunderstanding it
between them. Human rights must be accepted as sacred, even though
without requiring any sacrifice of those whose hands are
[ Policy ]
impartiality is studied. The man always
partisan and often correct. The same impartiality is
[ Policy ]
Politics - public morality, morality - Policy
individual expression.
[ Policy ]
Good policy is inseparable from the health of morality.
[ Policy ]
of any political association only legal
aims for happiness. Whatever power
the claims, any excuse for this has to resign
the highest law.
[ Policy ]
Policy - the same as any other science, she knows
established guidelines, rules, regulations, and
endless variety of combinations, she says
continuous learning, deep and long reflection.
[ Policy ]
Some purpose, policies if agreed to by
the devil\'s own - is just be confident that you apvedīsi
around the corner of the devil, rather than the devil you.
[ Policy ]
You can also refrain from pursuing policies - no matter
policy in dealing with you.
[ Policy ]
Politics is the ability to find a balance of power.
[ Policy ]
policy - is just common sense great things.
[ Policy ]
Statesman heart is located in the head.
[ Policy ]
policy is not the heart, of the head.
[ Policy ]
Plato\'s personality politics - Satan himself.
[ Policy ]

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