If someone gives you advice - especially if they do BR>
uninvited, - then give it to always be in a sentence, which BR>
questioner put up, but not with the ruler or the point BR>
as is often decisive for advice so as not accept it BR>
given a sentence of said starch, although it is recognized that given BR>
Advice valid. BR>
Tip that someone is given the presence of others, is perceived BR>
as a rebuke. BR>
album gives only hints of what they are capable of BR>
implement without being impolite exhort them to good BR>
works, but do not do it unless it can be done. BR>
Loaded belly deaf to advice. BR>
It is possible to give a different sound advice, but can not be BR>
teach it to behave sensibly. BR>
nothing so freely as advice. BR>
Nothing less than truthful way and ask what gives BR>
tips. He who so requests, pretends that he has a deep BR>
reverence for a friend\'s opinion, while in reality he BR>
think only about how to make him accept her own views BR>
and how they make it a guarantor for their actions. Advice BR>
employer of the trust responsibility of the selfless, enthusiastic BR>
dedication, although the most common advice to give, bear in mind BR>
own benefit and glory of their interests. BR>
There will come a time would come for advice. BR>
Tutorial life found more than a consolation. BR>
Do not give any hints and tips to use another\'s, BR>
other than common advice - the principle of everyone - to follow the soul BR>
calls and act boldly. BR>
Advice - it\'s always a confession. BR>
Blessed is that do not follow the counsel of the ungodly. . . BR>
distress already too late to ask for advice. BR>
never does not work, always lovely name. BR>
audzināties, it does not own BR>
soul, but who listens to guide it BR>
wisdom. BR>
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