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Poems / Death

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the worst of evils - death - with us there is no
to do, as long as we are - the death of yet, but when comes
death, then we have not more.
[ Death ]
Two things quickly through her people: stupidity and immorality.
Some lost their lives due to mācējuši to keep it, others
- Because he did not want to do it.
[ Death ]
Death - the impossibility of a sudden becomes a reality.
[ Death ]
Are you afraid of death or afraid - it will come anyway.
[ Death ]
to convert the death pathway.
[ Death ]
Death achieve the things that flee from her.
[ Death ]
at every door Death knocking the same.
[ Death ]
the least afraid of death, the people whose lives have been
the highest value.
[ Death ]
morning hope the work day, evening, peace, sleep at night,
death - everything.
[ Death ]
If we know so little about life, then what do we know about
[ Death ]
Who despises death, it has become conceited.
[ Death ]
consciousness that death is inevitable, somewhat mitigated by the fact
we do not know exactly when it is ahead of us. This uncertainty
is part of what is known as infinity and so, we call
of eternity.
[ Death ]
the charity point of view death is good with that applied
point of age. Death, overtaking the collapse of
faster than death, that completes it.
[ Death ]
If we had a choice: die or live forever, then no one
did not know what to choose. Deliver us from Nature
need to choose the do
[ Death ]
fact that people are aware of death, a little easier
what they do not know about it: do not know when it will come a bit
like eternity.
[ Death ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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