With years of a man loses everything: youth, beauty, BR>
health, high-flying tendencies. Only only stupidity never BR>
not abandon the people. BR>
foolish - a gift from God, but it should not be abused BR>
to use. BR>
foolish and ambition - are inseparable friends. BR>
One man\'s stupidity, another man\'s success. BR>
If that gives an idea of infinity, it is BR>
human stupidity. BR>
are given the right to speak the truth no BR>
touching. BR>
correct at the time pretends to have great wisdom foolishness. BR>
Thus, no society, no life without a relationship BR>
I [Nonsense] can be neither pleasant nor safe. Soon BR>
people disagree their rulers, nor the servant his master, from BR>
servant of his wife, nor his student teacher, or BR>
friend of a friend, not wife, husband, or master tenant or BR>
member of the member or guest mājastēvu, if they mutually BR>
neapmānītos, neglaimotu, nepiemiegtu wise eyes, BR>
neapziestu yourself with a little honey is nonsense. BR>
. . . foolishness from countries, based on its power, the government, BR>
Religion, government decisions, the courts, in other words, human life BR>
is nothing but nonsense game. BR>
Indulge your friends\' weaknesses, turn a blind eye against BR>
their shortcomings, delight their vices as BR>
they are virtues, or may even be that stupid? BR>
foolish - the indestructible. What strikes against it, against it BR>
also killed. BR>
not always stupid people are dangerous: they have enough BR>
mind to say what is needed to accuse BR>
apmelotu or neighbor. BR>
Nothing stupid about the desire to always be wiser for BR>
other. BR>
Glupa glupai life leads towards death. BR>
foolish - pazudinoša feature, but was unable to tolerate BR>
become irritated, - include nausea thing, no less harmful BR>
of foolishness. BR>
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