wise not alarmed, righteous - iztrūcies, bold BR>
- Scared. BR>
Countless generations of creatures in the world comes, BR>
However, each of them to go back to the substrate. BR>
But if the origins back to tend to, then become calm. BR>
Peace is returning to his substantial. BR>
not find the peace that is not found it in himself. BR>
Peace fed, anxiety misery. BR>
True peace of mind is achieved contenting itself with the same BR>
the worst that can happen. BR>
essence of human being is in motion. Complete peace means BR>
\'s death. BR>
visnepanesamākais man of peace, which interrupt or BR>
passions, neither work nor amusement, nor any BR>
exercise. Then he feels his paucity, left alone, BR>
failures, dependence, helplessness, emptiness. From his soul BR>
climbs out of the depths of unbearable boredom, sadness, bitterness, BR>
hostility, despair. BR>
It takes all of life: searching for peace, fighting terror BR>
some obstacles, but when those barriers disappear, the peace BR>
becomes unbearable. BR>
Plato teaches us that every change is evil and that peace BR>
is divine. BR>
life, loss of life, - remains an art, and fades away BR>
art, I still have life movement, but the end is peace. BR>
Prehistoric loss of the movements against otratnējo but BR>
remain in opened base. BR>
peace as is without anxiety. BR>
One of a handful of full peace is better than two fists BR>
full-effort and catch the wind. BR>
In my opinion, the first evidence of the spirit of peace is the ability BR>
stop and be together with myself. BR>
. . . peace of mind you can get, no nekļūdams hateful, do BR>
do not regret, without remorse. BR>
Only the mind is capable of providing complete peace of mind. BR>
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