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Poems / Lie

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considerably talk only about their immediate right, wicked -
only flaws. And even though they both lie - the first
getting into heaven, the second - in hell.
[ Lie ]
lies to keep the truth of life, they thrive
through its appearance, but their life span is not long.
[ Lie ]
One lie leads to others.
[ Lie ]
expose the lie is just as important to mankind\'s benefit, how
blunt truth.
[ Lie ]
When you lie to others, the case becomes more complicated and is
removed the solution, but when a lie is to give yourself
perceived as the truth, the corruption of all human life.
[ Lie ]
The most damaging lie is - cunning liar, and the complex
clothed with solemnity and sublimity, than is generally expressed in
religious lie.
[ Lie ]
lies the cause of
desire to cheat than others, but yourself.
[ Lie ]
better lie for the benefit, than the right to quarrel Vol.
[ Lie ]
When you know too much, it is difficult not to lie.
[ Lie ]
Lying is a vice only when they cause harm, but if
they benefit from rising, then they - virtue.
[ Lie ]
lie is servile and boastful.
[ Lie ]
Melīgums form of truth or concealment exaggeration, concealment or distortion of it as hypocritical accession other beliefs, as promises or hints to do what did not intend to do, and could not tell the truth when we say it requires responsibility.
[ Lie ]
cause will always be a desire to expand his will
domination or other denial of the will to show
theirs, therefore, a lie, as such, arising out of injustice,
disadvantage and discrimination. The following are possible
explain why fairness, truthfulness, openness,
directness is valued the same as the greatest feature, as it is
accepted that a man who they had been disclosed,
not do anything unjust and cruel, and just for that reason
because he has no need for pretense. What is found is
neperina evil plans.
[ Lie ]
undoubtedly the father of lies is the devil, but he negligently
not patented his idea and now his strong measure
suffer due to competition.
[ Lie ]
lies and deceit - fools and cowards retreat.
[ Lie ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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