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Poems / Fallacy

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Fallacy, followed by bigotry, pride and crime is
done more harm to people than their cruel
monsters, or the impression left by the stars in the sky.
[ Fallacy ]
illusion of matter - is not lost, only changed form.
[ Fallacy ]
illusion of truth is an illusion.
[ Fallacy ]
Also, all the big people are wrong. A bonfire and light
and smoke.
[ Fallacy ]
People generally believe that better be wrong crowd than
alone to seek the truth.
[ Fallacy ]
is characterized by exaggerated fear going true
[ Fallacy ]
fallacy delighted, appalled by the truth.
[ Fallacy ]
The fallacy which can not be rebutted. Mind, which is wrong, it is
given the knowledge that it will light. Then illusion will disappear
on their own.
[ Fallacy ]
Nature never modify their laws nor their wrong
prescribed routes, but the man and revolve in the laws and
wrong in their life paths, so the man and the bear
nogrozāmais law of nature: what is wrong, to suffer
[ Fallacy ]
human illusion caused by their own interest.
Have a look at a person admitted to mistakes, and you will
clear the degree of his humanity.
[ Fallacy ]
Smart fallacy is certainly instructive, even foolish truths
the wise man lives in the heights from where all is well
transparent, while the fool on the lowlands has Minaj
beaten track.
[ Fallacy ]
company rather more from a human illusion,
who after a long period of learning the subject is able to think
themselves than of the faithful people the right
The views at the stop just because
do not allow to think.
[ Fallacy ]
You want people to be healthy, balanced, mentally
strong and stable? - Clothe their ignorance, indolence
and lumber. We need to make stupid that we become
smarter, we need to dazzle, to manage.
[ Fallacy ]
the beginning of an individual human delusion becomes
general delusion, generally only becomes a delusion
of each individual human error. It also brought the building
to which each shall use his hands so that each implicit
witness the event proves to be much more knowledgeable about
eyewitness accounts, the most recent of the learned - much
more confident than the first.
[ Fallacy ]
I\'ve lived in obedience to his instinct, and trust that my
instinct was healthy. But often I ended up stupid
the role of trying to hear the voice of reason. My sense though
often wandering in the dark.
[ Fallacy ]

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