compassion is a kind of grief resulting from seeing evil, BR>
which would have been able to catch ourselves or one of our BR>
relatives. BR>
Of all the paths leading to the woman\'s heart, compassion BR>
is the shortest. BR>
In particular, we do not feel compassion for those who are not so BR>
unhappy even as we. BR>
compassion heals a lot more sins than condemnation. BR>
compassion - that\'s right. But there are two types of compassion. BR>
One - cowardly and sentimental, it is essentially not BR>
nothing but a heart impatience, rushing for BR>
as soon as possible to get rid of the feeling of heaviness, occurring at BR>
seeing other misfortune. It is not compassion, but the desire BR>
define your peace of mind from the nearest suffering. But there is another BR>
compassion - a true, which requires not sentimental, but BR>
operation, it knows what they want and are committed to suffering BR>
and līdzjūtot, do whatever is humanly possible, even BR>
exceed them. If you\'re ready to go all the way down to the same BR>
bitters end, you bruņosies with great patience, and BR>
only you can truly help people. Only BR>
when you sacrifice yourself, then. BR>
Compassion - they do not feel, rather, it is the soul BR>
state - ready to love, mercy and other BR>
noble sentiments. BR>
compassion - the highest form of human existence. BR>
When you see someone crying in Grief, That Either the end, she BR>
child far away, or may be, That he lost his BR>
Possession, looking to the Defy Evil That idea BR>
found in the external condition, you Should be ready at Once BR>
That thesis people say not to suppress the Same Event (In Other BR>
It does not inhibit), But the Perception of an event. As long as you feel BR>
him with the words, nekavējies Grieve with him BR>
Even, and maybe a sigh. Ways of Both raugies it for you BR>
nenopūstos in your soul BR>
compassion - love of imitation. BR>
to love you properly, with all my heart, have to suffer the same. BR>
Compassion is blessed with love, perhaps - the same BR>
love. For this reason Christ is the most loved of all BR>
gods, as ever lived. Particularly of women BR>
hand. . . . BR>
full of compassion, it is undoubtedly masculine. BR>
Compassion is often just our own accident BR>
izjušana another man. It is the far-sighted disaster BR>
Anticipating that we can choose. We provide other BR>
help them to impose liability in similar cases BR>
help us. Therefore, the services we make BR>
they, in truth, is a charity, we advance BR>
provide for themselves. BR>
compassion is abandoned dog bone, compassion - are BR>
bone, which you share with your dog when you are hungry at the same BR>
less than that. BR>
great soul to be invulnerable, if not sacrifice BR>
līdzpārdzīvojot. BR>
sympathize with grief - human, they make it easier - divine. BR>
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