It certainly was a wise man who said that BR>
A happy marriage can exist only between a blind wife and BR>
deaf husband. BR>
off a successful marriage of love, so it seeks BR>
replace it with friendship. They - there is nothing else than a pleasant, BR>
stability, trusting lifelong cohabitation and BR>
tremendous amount of essential services and mutual BR>
obligation. BR>
marry without his commitment - betrayal. BR>
marriage - a very strange thing. It is not clear as any, BR>
can exist. I think when people are great, the happy BR>
marriage, then it will, if not outright lies, the self-deception. BR>
The human soul is not for the persistent contact with other BR>
the human soul, such a forced intimacy sometimes BR>
from infinite loneliness, which provides paciešanu games BR>
Terms. BR>
man has a wife means: The purpose is always a child. But what BR>
a wife to her husband? BR>
brief moments of insanity - here\'s what you call BR>
of love. And your marriage stop these many insanity BR>
moments, replacing them with one large and long foolishness. BR>
quite unpleasant! Likelihood of marriage becomes much BR>
faster than the willingness to love: the latter is understood BR>
maturity - both men and women. BR>
marriage meant mediocre people who are not gifted BR>
and the ability to love deeply, as well as to experience the great friendship - BR>
therefore, most of the people, but also to the whole rare BR>
in people who are able to love both, as well as be BR>
friend. BR>
can not be a good wife, a woman who is not and can not be BR>
friends of her husband. BR>
convicted of mind marriage. But the mind is the marriage shop BR>
marriage, and our time, where all the shops are, BR>
the marriage must shop. Why deny the hypocrisy? BR>
a married man in our modern times, his wife BR>
not more so, it\'s nothing like a shame that she does. BR>
Similar Either in captivity or infuriates, or make BR>
Humble. BR>
When a man surrounded by his wife of zemākstāvošām community, he BR>
humble yourself, and do honor to his wife, otherwise BR>
when he was surrounded by his wife of the senior community, br>
she is humiliated, he is glorified. BR>
Two are better than one, because they have at least BR>
one comes out better in terms of salary for their work, if they fall, br>
then one help him to be on their feet. But pity BR>
to that one! When it falls, the other is not in their BR>
lifts him up! Similarly, when two lie together, they complement each other BR>
heated, but where to take the heat alone? BR>
beautiful woman without restraint and honor is like a gold ring BR>
pig snout. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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