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Poems / Time

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Time event is a unit without nau-time events, but
events are Creatures ratio change. So space is Creatures
community, without getting value space beings. Its blend of space and time
[ Time ]
. . . save time and keep that until now either been
kidnapped, or stolen, or gone to waste for nothing.
Make sure that it really is, as the article: part of us
takes away violently, parts - secretly, of the lost as well. But
most ashamed of the damage by negligence.
Check the more carefully: Life passes most of his bad doing
work, a sizeable portion - do nothing, but all life - doing
other than it should.
[ Time ]
If your hands are that day,\'d be less dependent on
[ Time ]
Magi take the time and knowledge of poetry, a fool -
vices gulšņāšanai and hassle.
[ Time ]
Time or any ieredz nor hates, nor to any
is indifferent - it takes away everything.
[ Time ]
Out of memory, delete the time, there is no pain,
which neremdētu death.
[ Time ]
Time reveals all that has been hidden, and made vague
everything was clear.
[ Time ]
the smartest of all - time. It reveals all.
[ Time ]
\"The time it takes!\" you say you have the habit of misunderstanding.
Time is standing still - you are leaving.
[ Time ]
You can not kill time without compromising eternity.
[ Time ]
Nothing is more durable than the time because it is a measure of eternity;
Nothing less than this, because it always is not enough in our
expectations. . . . All the people that it be treated lightly, all
regrets when it\'s gone.
[ Time ]
There\'s nothing more durable than the time because it is the eternal measure
there is nothing about it shorter, because it is always enough for
our inception. . . . All people will stigmatize all
regrets the loss. . . .
[ Time ]
not doomed to the fame, who do not feel the time.
[ Time ]
Who knows the value of the time, was not born in the glory.
[ Time ]
Concerned about how to kill time, but
talent - the time of use.
[ Time ]

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