If a person ever be repeated, that he is a pig, then BR>
after all he really will rukšķēt. BR>
critics believe his eyes when a BR>
aizmiglojušas tears. BR>
rulers can flatter the country and never BR>
not be able to correct his bad constitution, if there is no BR>
guaranteed for its lack of discussion of freedom. BR>
did not accuse others of minor offenses. Ascribes to others BR>
evil intentions. No evil what people say you can ever BR>
caused. If you act according to these three recommendations BR>
Will you be able to cultivate the virtue, and to avoid BR>
troubles. BR>
Criticism is dangerous spark that could cause an explosion BR>
Pride magazine. BR>
criticism is neither father nor mother, nor brother nor sister, nor BR>
lineage - she\'s lonely. Rather than suffer his BR>
something pieglaudīsies. BR>
careful ieskatīsieties people who for any br>
can not say words of each and condemns with any br>
not satisfied, then you find out that it was they themselves BR>
the people with whom no one is happy. BR>
We so love to criticize, that lose the ability to feel deep BR>
really real value. BR>
audience when his praises we shall always be regarded as br>
competent judge. But when she condemns us - it BR>
recognized as being unable to speak the mind embodiments. BR>
Time - the most honest critic. BR>
Where is the love of art, there is also criticism. BR>
from each artisan requires him to know his position, - from BR>
critic asks for it. From each judge requires him to be penalized BR>
investigate the matter really - it does not require the critic. Of BR>
critic merely requires that he punish, but strong. BR>
bar evil people, so he made this plea for good. Why do you see him BR>
nepamāci better to do it? Art can not be taught by any br>
Barsana, shoes, sew and not eating well, not boiling - or good BR>
nau to be more art? And now you ask that each of BR>
skills to yourself. BR>
musicians no right to criticize the miner. BR>
man does himself honor of avoiding the bāršanās, those BR>
continuous yards, it is always naive fools. BR>
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