Education gives young people the wise guy - BR>
consolation, the poor - the wealth, the rich - the beauty. BR>
Among the educated and illiterate people are the same BR>
difference between the living and the dead. BR>
Education to human dignity, the slave begins to realize BR>
that was not born in slavery. BR>
Education is what remains when everything is forgotten, BR>
we have been taught. BR>
best education in the world is produced fighting for BR>
morsel of bread. BR>
Education makes good people better, but bad - BR>
worse. BR>
names and meanings of knowledge is not education. BR>
The educated man, the more useful for their fatherland. BR>
make one smarter, but they do BR>
better. BR>
School - a place where the paving stones and polished diamonds killed. BR>
Education - the minority of their human overgrowth of BR>
He was in the same fault. BR>
Those who acquire the knowledge they nepārdomājot, entangled BR>
illusioned. He who loves to speculate, but does not love to learn, getting BR>
difficulty. BR>
culture prevails over nature, there is a savage, BR>
where the culture over nature - only knower of ancient texts. Only BR>
the one where the natural essence of the culture in balance BR>
may be called a decent human being. BR>
assumed only the education that had picked up in their ignorance, br>
seeking knowledge and know how to clearly set out what they want. BR>
Provides knowledge limited to what one learned BR>
square angle nature, have gained insight and the three BR>
others. BR>
ancient people learned to improve yourself. Now BR>
learn to paspīdētu in front of others. BR> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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