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Poems / Enemy

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no worse enemy of the man himself, almost
for all his troubles, dangers and unnecessary
embittered him is due to their greed.
[ Enemy ]
enmity did not reach the people who occupy a lower position.
[ Enemy ]
Enemies fall into three categories: the enemy
the enemy\'s friend\'s friend and enemy.
[ Enemy ]
Do good to your friends, so they take you more
love, do good to their enemies, that they ever
become our friends. And when you Speak up for your own
enemy - remember that the day may come when he
will become your friend.
[ Enemy ]
When no enemy, no war.
[ Enemy ]
Reconciliation with our enemies is the only election
improve our situation, sick of war and fear that
could befall the wicked.
[ Enemy ]
wise enemy is better than a stupid friend.
[ Enemy ]
Dangerous is the enemy of a friend who claims to be.
[ Enemy ]
most dangerous enemy - the enemy of absence.
[ Enemy ]
The enemies can be fought in two ways: first, a
laws, secondly, by force. The first type is characterized by
people, the second - the beast.
[ Enemy ]
Nepriecājies of your enemy mortality, because all
people are mortal and they are waiting for life-long home. If you have
enemy nelūdzies gods of his death, because he died
nesniedzams getting all the world\'s troubles. Pray for
He becomes a pauper, and all my life to moan of sorrow.
[ Enemy ]
What could be more challenging on how to protect yourself from
enemy, who imposed his own trusted friends mask?
[ Enemy ]
To become our enemies those who have hate, not
contempt, worthy: you are proud of their
[ Enemy ]
If you have an enemy, he neatdariet evil with good,
It humiliated him. On the contrary, let him understand that
He has done you good.
[ Enemy ]
How many slaves, as well as enemies.
[ Enemy ]

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