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Poems / Tolerance

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tolerate stupidity has every wise
to the snake, which I do not bite, though living in a thousand years.
As the father of her son endure impudence, endures as a friend friend
abuses, as the wife tolerates your favorite liberty, so are
tolerant to what I might have caused you.
religious tolerance study shows
that any Christian country, where there is religious
tolerance, the clergy has affixed the secular power.
people to become tolerant, they must learn from the early
doubt, to learn to respect the opponent\'s view of them
beginning to recognize that perhaps the view
It is the least tolerant people are the ones who deserve
Tolerance inevitably leads to indifference.
In my country, each is free \'to go to heaven on his
the way.
correct behavior - mutual tolerance,
understanding that people do not think the same, and that we
each of the various angles are seeing only the single
fragments of the truth.
Tolerance in the country demonstrates the power balance.
sympathizing for the unfortunate, be tolerant
Tolerance - another sign indifference.
Other parties must be heard, no matter how disgusting his
habit of excessive indulgence.
tolerant attitude towards poor people, it harms
the good. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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