Learning reign of the books is not to draw. BR>
can be one of three ways: first, to read and understand, the second, BR>
read and understand, the third, to read and understand by what is not BR>
written. BR>
steam and railways are destroyed distance, then BR>
books have been destroyed by time, thanks to them, we all BR>
are contemporaries. I can converse with Homer and BR>
Cicero, but Homer and Cicero will be back in the future BR>
talk to us. BR>
Indeed, many people read just to themselves not BR>
think. BR>
absolute sign of any good books - that it BR>
more and more like the older man left. BR>
book - it is a mirror and, if it looks a monkey BR>
it can not appear as a reflection of the Apostle\'s face. BR>
He wrote eight volumes. Undoubtedly would have been BR>
better if he would have planted a tree or given eight BR>
lives of eight children. BR>
Our books on mathematics and physics are largely BR>
damaged the scriptures. We are miracles BR>
replaced the fascinating natural phenomena. BR>
Nature has wisely taken care to be human stupidity BR>
transient, but it captures the book. Fool would BR>
have to be content with the fact that he is tired of all your BR>
contemporaries, but he still wants to bother to future generations BR>
want to posterity to know that he has lived for BR>
world, and to never forget that he has been BR>
fool. BR>
favorite of the books I have no friend in the world. BR>
not easy to find a book which would have taught us BR>
as much as it is, we have written ourselves. BR>
even when the end comes - back in the day, which I do BR>
you will not open my book and I will be their readers. BR>
I write them, for their sake I have set out their BR>
basic ideas. Currently I can not fight - I do not even BR>
opponent. BR>
from all that is written, I love so what someone your BR> blood-written. Articles with blood and you will see that the BR> blood is spirit. BR>
best is the book for which readers think BR>
they could have them write their own. BR>
Books - the best companion of age, but at the same time, BR>
best teachers of his youth. BR>
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