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Poems / Flattery

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Patmīla - the biggest sycophant.
If we ourselves neglaimotu, then the other flattery us
would not cause harm.
neglaimotu ourselves, we nemaitātu other flattery.
truth says lodgings get nothing.
false flattery and - blood.
imitate people and their disposition, do it, and do
they contribute to their weakness, show their affection for each
action - and do with them what you want, this is the best
way, you can probably play an open game. . . . Overdo
Do not be afraid, here even the smartest man, as the last
fool uzķersies, swallow your eyes open nenomirkšķinājis
nonsense, nonsense obvious case of this dish will be
served with sauce flattery. Can not say that it
be honest, but it is necessary to gain access to the
appropriate people. In the case of the other agent is not, then
guilty of no one who flatter, but the one who wants to
flatter him.
agile glaimotāji are no less adept
flattery - wide open doors, turn
the truth - the needle eye.
Vairieties of sycophant - they are thieves dressed up.
Honey is on your lips, but in the hearts - bile.
who is respected, then neglaimo, so that the dignity of worship, but flattery
Liška words are as sweet morsel and go quite to heart.
No one is so eager to flattery, as patmīlis of
wanted to be the first, but does not.
Those who point to my mistakes - my teacher, who
happy for my success - my friend, but that\'s
who flatter me - my enemy.
They say that flattery is destabilizing food. By the way, how
Although there are no smart people who are willing to occasionally
try something nibble the feed

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