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Poems / Flattery

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flattery have nothing in common with confidence.
Whoever rewards of flattery, it goes looking.
Flattery is always pleasantly when they concern the characteristics which we
missing. Tell the fool that he is very clever, and
cheat, he was the fairest man in the world, and
they will include us in their arms.
flatter, it is insulting.
is dangerous to give advice to kings stupid. They always
Advisor to sacrifice for the benefit of flattered.
Flatter us not insult the same praise, but the fact that
it does not come from the heart. If someone Gourde man I pretend
sensitive to praise, it was because he was more often on the
samākslotību, but if it ever skillful flatterer
praise, adding a few criticisms, the early
or later, the wise man taps deceived.
[Flattery] They make the virtues of the mighty of this world
Flatter - means a person to say exactly what he himself
think for yourself.
sycophant flatter simply because he did not think much and
of themselves and others.
fly drowning in honey rather than vinegar.
Like tyrants and the people crave flattery.
No one likes to celebrate and without any necildina
selfishness. Commendation is subtle, covert and subtle
flattery, and it gives a different satisfaction in it
expressed, and to whom it is addressed. One of the hosts
make award on its own merits, the other is expressed to
would recognize their justice and their discernment.
neglaimotu ourselves, we would not harm another
Flattery is counterfeit money has value only to our
vices leave us, we glaimojam yourself, imagine,
that we have abandoned them.

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