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Poems / Case

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wind brought by the wind and carried away.
[ Case ]
Stray dog ​​as well as bone can also warming
[ Case ]
case: God used a pseudonym when he does not want
sign with your name.
[ Case ]
two biggest tyrants of the earth, and time of occurrence.
[ Case ]
case - the only legitimate ruler of the universe.
[ Case ]
[ Case ]
is rarely atkātojas.
[ Case ]
doubt everything in the case under the rule. Everything happens more
as it pleases, than it is entitled by right: one
events are wrapped around the fame, others transferred to oblivion.
[ Case ]
Random Whimsy rules the world.
[ Case ]
believe in good fortune only unhappy people happy
Keep track of your success in your deliberation and prudence.
[ Case ]
pot, that\'s a spoon trāpīsies.
[ Case ]
case - does not exist. Case no. For the cases we
called the visible action, where the cause of action
failure to identify.
[ Case ]
Who bends his head in front of the genius, then it is doubly
must slope in front of the case. Once that he is
arose from the second time - that was successful.
[ Case ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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