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Poems / Fanaticism

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Fanaticism is the extreme form of intolerance.
Fanaticism - delusion, caused by the inability to grasp
truth in its entirety.
Everything, including bigotry, becomes dangerous irrelevant
application result: no fanaticism, or at least without
certain dose of glamor, one could accomplish by dižu.
Vairieties from all kinds of fanatics, if you do not want to sacrifice
their beliefs, their peace of mind, and possibly your safety.
is not possible to bring to mind hot fanatics head:
nightmare they are considered a matter of pride.
Fanaticism and enthusiasm serves only to create mutiny.
fanatic mind like the human eye pupil, the brighter
light, the more it narrows.
fanaticism from the beginning of jāiemidzina to later tear
from the root.
Fanaticism always occurs as a result of persecution.
better for mankind than the system dying - that\'s all
Utopian fanatics and motto.
The most difficult part of forgiveness fanatic - his sincerity.
Fanaticism has caused more evil than atheism.
Ridicule as much dampens fanaticism as oil
. . . need to carefully avoid all believers
people feel resentment, which leads only to religious
strengthening of fanaticism. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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